Calling All Students!

University Students….Up For an “Environmental Challenge”???
The Student Environmental Challenge was just posted on the conference page. Click the link below and scroll down to the student section on the Conference page to get more information on the challenge. Get ahead of your competition and check it out today!
Student Chapter Meetings/Updates
Student Chapter leaders….if you have meetings, updates, or other info you would like posted on the website, please send an email to
and we’ll get the info posted for you!
Current Student Chapters
For information about student activities and events, please visit the following student chapter websites:
- University of Central Florida (UCF) (affiliated with SEE)
- University of Florida (UF)
- University of South Florida (USF) – coming soon!
Annually Student Chapters will be asked to complete a Student Chapter Profile form in January of each calendar year. A fillable form is available here. Student Chapter Profile Form
Student Chapter Guidebook
The Student Chapter Guidebook was designed to provide Florida-based student chapters and their members with a useful reference to all things related to the A&WMA. Download the Student Chapter Guidebook today.
Starting a New Student Chapter
The following lists some of the preliminary steps that should be taken to start a student chapter in Florida. For additional details, see the Student Chapter Guidebook.
- At least 10 student members are needed to form a chapter. These members must be full-time college students at the designated college.
- Notify the Florida Section of the A&WMA and local chapter through Jordan Haywood (
- Form a committee comprised of proposed chapter officers including, but not limited to a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
- Draft chapter bylaws (model bylaws are in Appendix H).
- Determine a faculty advisor, which is required.
- Develop tentative plan of activities (see Appendix A).
- Hold organizational meeting where bylaws and officers will be voted on and approved.
- Submit the required paperwork listed below to the Student Program Chair. Paperwork must be received at least 30 days before the Sections & Chapters council meeting (see Chair for this date), where chapter is proposed.
- Petition signed by 10 members
- Listing of officers and faculty advisor
- Name & mailing address of student chapter
- Copy of bylaws
- Written endorsement included by Florida Section of the A&WMA, which will be coordinated by the Chair
For a download of this list, click the link button here: New Student Chapter Summary
Student Membership Protocol
- Apply for the $35.00 student membership at to obtain confirmation of your A&MWA membership.
- E-mail your confirmation proving your membership is complete, a copy of your current course schedule or transcripts (must be a full-time student to qualify) and your name and current mailing address to: Reimbursement of $17.50 will be processed by the Florida Section within 30 days of the email.
- Don’t forget to notify your student chapter of your new membership.
Florida Section A&WMA Scholarships
The C. David Cooper Scholarship Awards Program is open to eligible juniors, seniors, and graduate students currently enrolled full-time in a four-year Florida college or university. The awards listed below are intended to provide recognition for qualified students and to encourage the pursuit of careers in the fields of air pollution control and waste management.
Award | Description |
Axel Hendrickson Scholarship | $1,000 + 1 free membership |
Clair Fancy Scholarship | $1,000 + 1 free membership |
Florida A&WMA Scholarship (3) | $500 + 1 annual conference registration |
Florida A&WMA Scholarship (2) | $250 |
The Clair Fancy Scholarship application, along with additional information, must be received by July 1st. Applications for other scholarships must be received by July 1st. The application can be found here:
2021 Scholarship Winners

Sara Ahsan
Axel Hendrickson Award
Florida Atlantic University

Ali Ayub
Clair Fancy Award
Florida Atlantic University

Yonghong Luo
FLAWMA Scholarship
University of South Florida

Dung Lam
FLAWMA Scholarship
Florida Atlantic University

Kelly Milbrandt
FLAWMA Scholarship
University of Florida

Tione Grant
FLAWMA Scholarship
University of South Florida

Merry Mbengue
FLAWMA Scholarship
University of Central Florida
Travel Funding – Procedure for Reimbursements
The Florida A&WMA Education Committee provides integration and implementation opportunities of college and university related activities within the fields of air and waste management. Additionally, this committee aims to foster the professional development of student members and enhance the role of Florida A&WMA college and university chapters through the sponsorship of a student program at the Annual Conference. This includes hosting a student paper/poster/presentation contest, a student environmental challenge, development of various student activities, and facilitation of communication between student chapters.
Individuals and groups are eligible to apply for travel funding from the Florida A&WMA. Complete the following, if interested:
- Read the Student Travel and Funding Guidelines to ensure all requirements are met.
- Complete a Conference Registration & Travel (CRT) Funding Request (either Individual or Group).
- Complete a Student Travel Roster (STR) Form (Only for Group travel).
- Submit all forms and attached information to the Education Director, Upasna Rai at, and include in the subject line: FL A&WMA Student Travel Funding
Document Links
- Student Travel & Funding Guidelines
- Conference Registration & Travel (CRT) Funding Request – Individual
- Conference Registration & Travel (CRT) Funding Request – Group
- Student Travel Roster (STR)