Benefits of Membership
Member Spotlight
Jordan Haywood

Jordan’s A&WMA Positions:
- UCF Chapter: Vice Chair; Chair;
- Florida Section: Director (multiple times), Secretary/Treasurer (once), Vice Chair (twice), Chair (three times);
- International (Technical Council): Power Generation Technical Council Coordinating Committee (TCC) Secretary, Vice Chair, Chair (3 years each); Government Facilities and Public Sectors Division Vice Chair and Chair (3 years for the former, in my 2nd of 3 years for the latter)
- International Board of Directors: 2015-2017 (3 years)
How did you get to your current position?
I was originally hired by Siemens when I was looking for a guest speaker for an A&WMA ‘lunch and learn’ – I happened to mention I was looking for a job and next thing I know, I’m called in for an interview. My current position (as Lead Air Quality Engineer) came about primarily due to my being the senior air quality engineer in the Environmental Engineering department, after having worked in the department for about 7 years. Having a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering and a P.E. helped of course. My involvement in A&WMA not only led directly to me getting this job, but it has provided me with a large network of individuals across the country with whom I can collaborate on issues critical to my job.
What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
I honestly cannot think of just one, single thing I’ve done in my professional career I would consider to be my greatest accomplishment: I look at my career as a series of small, and sometimes larger, accomplishments, of various kinds. Perhaps my ‘greatest’ accomplishments are when I have to work closely with a difficult customer, in a challenging situation (for example, an emissions testing program at a power plant, which I’ve had to do on quite a number of occasions), and help to facilitate a win-win for all parties (Siemens, the customer, and the regulators looking over our shoulders!). Other accomplishments would be the fact that I consistently receive positive reviews as an Adjunct Professor (of Environmental Engineering) at the University of Central Florida, and any time I learn something new that is challenging, of significance, and that helps me to be a better engineer.
Critical Question: Starbucks or Dunkin?
It does not matter, whichever is more convenient!
Florida Section A&WMA membership benefits provides:
Membership Categories
If you currently are not a member, but are interested in becoming a member, there a several membership categories to consider.
Individual Membership – $195 USD
This is a full membership and includes:
- A print subscription to either EM or the Journal – both trade magazines providing information on issues, policy trends, and new technical research
- Access to both EM and the Journal online (with archives back to 1997)
- Access to the online A&WMA membership directory
- Discounts on A&WMA events and technical publications
- Access to local networking events
Emeritus Membership – $98 USD
Must be 65 years of age or older and have at least 15 years of A&WMA Membership. Emeritus Members receive the same benefits as the Individual Membership.
Organizational Membership
Organizational Membership is the perfect solution for companies with more than three environmental professionals who want to reduce membership costs and increase participation in A&WMA. Organizational Members receive the same benefits as Individual Members.
Organizational Membership (up to 10 members)
$595/company + $98/employee USD
Organizational Membership (more than 10 members)
$1,495/company + $98/employee USD
Organizational Government Membership
$470/company + $98/employee USD
Young Professional Membership – $98 USD
Applicable to any person, age 35 or under and working in the environmental profession, and interested in accomplishing the mission and objectives of the Association. This membership is valid for the first five consecutive years of A&WMA membership in this category. Young Professional Membership receives the same benefits as Individual Members.
Student Membership – $35 USD
Student Membership Benefits include:
- discounts to attend A&WMA events
- discounts on technical publications
- access to local networking campus events through the student chapter
- ability to apply for Florida Section A&WMA scholarships
- ability to participate at the A&WMA International conference events
Students who register with Florida Student Chapter and/or as a member of the Florida Section are eligible for a 50% discount. Visit the Student Page for the details on how to receive your discount today!