Regulatory Rulemaking for 40 CFR 241 – Solid Waste Used as Fuels or Ingredients in Combustion Units – Identification of Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials That Are Solid Wastes When Used as Fuels or Ingredients in Combustion Units – (effective 03/09/2016)
Adds three materials to the list of categorical non-waste fuels: Construction and demolition wood processed from construction and demolition debris according to best management practices; paper recycling residuals generated from the recycling of recovered paper, paperboard and corrugated containers and combusted by paper recycling mills whose boilers are designed to burn solid fuel; and creosote treated railroad ties that are processed and then combusted in the following types of units: Units designed to burn both biomass and fuel oil as part of normal operations and not solely as part of start-up or shut-down operations, and units at major source pulp and paper mills or power producers subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD that combust CTRT and had been designed to burn biomass and fuel oil, but are modified (e.g. oil delivery mechanisms are removed) in order to use natural gas instead of fuel oil, as part of normal operations and not solely as part of start-up or shut-down operations.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Published Institutional Control Procedures – May 2016
This document provides general information regarding types of Institutional Controls (ICs), outlines the requirements for the internal processing of ICs, and characterizes the DWM’s and the FDEP Office of General Counsel’s (OGC) experiences thus far in this area. It is anticipated that this document will be used by those parties considering pursuing site closures with conditions, including responsible parties and owners, and their consultants and lawyers, among others. Such use by those parties may facilitate an understanding of the FDEP internal processing of ICs and result in a quicker processing time.


Tampa Bay Estuary Program Nutrient Management Compliance Assessment Results – published March 31, 2016
In summary, chlorophyll-a concentrations in all major bay segments except Old Tampa Bay were below FDEP-approved thresholds. The thresholds were adopted as part of FDEP’s 2002 Reasonable Assurance determination for Tampa Bay and, at that time, it was determined that Tampa Bay’s seagrass restoration goals could be achieved if annual chlorophyll-a concentrations remained below the thresholds. This nutrient management strategy has been utilized by the TBEP and Consortium in their Annual Decision Matrix reports for Tampa Bay since 2000. Furthermore, recent estimates from the SWFWMD indicate that baywide seagrass coverage increased by 5,652 acres from 2012 to 2014. With this latest estimate, Tampa Bay now supports 40,295 acres of seagrass – surpassing the recovery goal (38,000 acres) established by Bay managers in 1996. As such, implementation of the Consortium’s approved nutrient management strategy continues to be a successful, adaptive management approach for the Tampa Bay estuary.